Our Territory
The East Kootenay region of British Columbia is known worldwide for its high population of diverse trophy game animals. Your hunt begins in one of two remote but readily accessible valleys which are ideally located to make your hunt a success. Here’s what you need to know:
1. We have high populations of 14 different game animals
Our hunting area includes significant populations of Rocky Mountain Elk, Shiras Moose, Black Bear, Interior Mountain Grizzly, Mountain Caribou, Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep, White-tailed Deer, Mule Deer, Rocky Mountain Goat, Cougar, Lynx, Bobcat, Coyote, and Wolf. All species of game range within the territory in both summer and winter.
2. Our area features diverse ecosytems and numerous camps
With more than 340,000 acres (550 sq. miles) at your disposal, you’ll find an ample range of habitat to pursue different animals and locate the right trophy. Hunt lush alpine meadows, snow capped mountains, glaciers, wetlands and deep valleys and canyons. Our territory encompasses 61 mountains over 8,000 feet with the highest elevation at 9,400 feet. We generally hunt at elevations between 4000 and 6000 feet. To take advantage of the variety of terrain, we have two main lodges with numerous spike cabins scattered throughout the territory.
3. Our area includes a 22,000 acre park and borders a 500,000 acre wilderness conservancy
The Northern part of our Sawtooth territory borders the Purcell Wilderness Conservancy Provincial Park. Almost 500,000 acres, this is one of the largest intact ecosystems in British Columbia. The Park is undisturbed by roads, all forms of motorized access, logging and mineral exploration. As a result, the Park serves as a terrific source of large trophy animals that migrate to our territory. Within the borders of our territory, you’ll actually find a part of the Purcell Conservancy — St. Mary’s Alpine Park. Spanning approximately 22,000 acres, this breathtaking oasis of high alpine lakes and basins is an exceptional area for hunting Elk, Mountain Goat, Grizzly and Black Bear and Mule deer. No motorized vehicles are allowed in the park, so all of our hunting here is strictly by horseback and foot.
4. We are surprisingly convenient to get to
Because our territories are remote, but not isolated, you spend as much time as possible on the ground hunting — as opposed to sitting in an airplane or car. You can access one of our main lodges within 1 ½ hours of landing on the ground at the nearby Cranbrook regional airport.